O firmie


We are a group of managers specialising in professional planning and managing careers in football, as well as organising football camps in Poland and abroad.


Thanks to our experience gained at Bundesliga stadiums, we are able to provide excellent management of the footballer's career. We provide our services to footballers with many years of experience as well as to young players who are taking their first steps in the world of football.

We put the most sophisticated
ideas into effect

Football camps

We provide professional football camp management services. Our company has organised camps for Polish and European teams, both in Poland and abroad.

The hotels meet high standards and provide excellent conditions for practice. We offer a wide selection of sport facilities in Poland, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Cyprus, and United Arab Emirates.

Marząc i przeplatane różowymi wstęgi
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Friendly matches

Teams do not necessarily have to play for points or advancing to the next round. Matches may be played in order to select players for official games, practice new tactics, and improving players’ cooperation. You can achieve it with us!

Organising friendly matches not included in official leagues, we select sparring partners in accordance with guidelines provided by the team. Matches on various levels can be arranged.

For players

We offer comprehensive career planning and management services to our players.

Our professional team will manage your career, negotiate the most favourable contracts, and make sure you find a perfect team for your needs and potential.

Opis zwycięstwa lub wymowy uczyć
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Sport marketing

Nowadays, sport is inseparably linked to business. Due to the competitive market, businesses are increasingly eager to invest in sport since it provides potential for marketing activities.

We are fully aware of the importance of a lasting relationship between products or services and a footballer's image, participation in company events, using footballer’s image in advertising campaigns, and even selecting an appropriate person for the image of a company or a product.

They trusted us